
  • Mortified Baltimore, Creative Alliance, September 20, 2024 (forthcoming)

  • “Review: The Ill-Fitting Skin by Shannon Robinson,” Barrelhouse, July 11, 2024 (forthcoming)

  • The Mortified Podcast, “Episode 255: We Made Out, etc,” May 12, 2024

  • Mortified Baltimore, Creative Alliance, February 18, 2023

  • Mortified DC, Black Cat, February 11, 2023

  • “Sign Language,” PlayGround Writers Pool, Berkeley Repertory Theatre, March 19, 2018 (Winner People’s Choice Award)

  • “Same As It Ever Was,” PlayGround Writers Pool, Berkeley Repertory Theatre, February 18, 2019 (Winner People’s Choice Award)

  • “Sweater,” Swamp Pink Number 91 (Winner Crazyshorts! Short-Short Fiction Contest; Anthologized in Best Small Fictions, guest-edited by Aimee Bender)